Friday, August 22, 2008

We Have Fertilization!

My nurse called at 3:00 this afternoon to let us know that 7 of the 13 eggs retrieved yesterday were mature and therefore appropriate to be fertilized. And of the 7.......6 fertilized! We are soooo excited to get this news! Roger has awesome swimmers who really know how to do their job! Now we wait until Sunday morning for our next phone call to let us know if we will do a 3-day transfer (on Sunday afternoon) or a 5-day transfer (on Tuesday). There's some varying opinions in the medical community about which day is better to transfer embryos back to the uterus, but my doctor believes a 5-day transfer is best case scenario because it allows the embryos time to develop a little bit more and reach blastocyst stage before transferring them back to me. I think it's just a case-by-case situation of watching each particular couple's embryos to see how well they're tolerating the petri dish and whether the embryologist thinks it would be beneficial to get them into the womb sooner. Either way, we won't know our transfer day until Sunday morning. And, of course, we still don't know how many we'll transfer back because we don't know how many out of the 6 will make it that far. I hope and pray all of them grow like they're supposed to so we can freeze some of them for a future cycle (the alternative is destroying them which I can't fathom doing), but we'll just have to wait and see. Once we go back to STL for the transfer we'll stay overnight since I have to be on bed rest for 24 hours afterwards to give the embryos the most hospitable conditions possible.

After being doubled over in pain last night due to my egg retrieval, I woke up this morning feeling almost 100%. I felt so much better, in fact, that I thought it would be perfectly fine to vacuum my bedroom and hardwoods. Big mistake. I had to cut my shower short and lay soaking wet on the bed for 30 minutes because I thought I was either going to pass out or throw up from the cramps I was experiencing. I guess when they said I would need a couple days to recover they meant it! But I am feeling much better now (thanks to two Advil and a couple hours with the heating pad....again) and realize I need to take it easy for the next week. I think my body is really starting to wonder, "What the *** is going on here?"

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