Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Court Update

I just thought I'd let everyone know that the Ethiopian courts reopened this past Monday, October 12th. We have not heard any news specific to us yet, but we are very, very, very happy to know that the court doors are indeed open and cases are being heard, paperwork filed, etc. I read an Internet rumor that the courts delayed opening by a week for training because -- here's the interesting/maybe rumor part -- all of the judges from before court closure resigned. Seriously, what does that mean? I'm trying not to let it bother me, but wow, that's disturbing. The good news is court has been reopen for three days now and I've read/heard about multiple cases passing already and a whole lot of cases being filed. This is good news, for sure, so maybe we needed some new judges? If there's anyone out there who has some concrete information on this, I'd love to hear it.

We also received two new pictures of Ari yesterday. Roger and I are still priding ourselves on the fact that we were able to recognize him from approximately 30 pictures of, well, 30 other babies. He. is. gorgeous. And his hair has grown a lot in the last month! And we were lucky enough to get a picture of him awake and holy cow his eyes are amazing. And he has chubby little fat rolls on his legs. Oh, he just melts me. Please pray for Ari's continued health/well-being and for us to receive a quick court date. I know there's so many of our friends and family out there thinking of us, wishing there was something that could be done that would make this process move faster, and if we could all just direct our thoughts and wishes into prayer, I think it would be so powerful. Thank you again to all of you for your continued support.


Lyra Johnson said...

I hope we hear something soon. Just having a date to look forward to will be such a relief.

I saw the pictures yesterday and I think I've spotted Ari (I think he was wearing the shirt you sent him???). He is adorable! Can't wait till we can bring them home!

Our babies are getting so big! I think we should vacation in Addis for a few months...

Abby/Roger said...

Oh, my gosh! I totally want to vacation in Addis! Roger is not yet onboard with that idea.

farmgirlamber said...

That's great news! Although you're still in limbo, the bright side is that with the courts re-opened, you're one step closer to bringing Ari home! So anxious to see pics someday....he sounds adorable!
