Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One liners

It's been a while since either of us posted. Here's a quick rundown of what's been going on:
  • Thanks to Amanda for the new blog look. We needed a change and she totally hooked us up. On a related note, thanks to Courtney for the referral of Amanda.
  • Thanks for NY Kate and IA Kelly for coming in this past weekend. I'm pretty sure all had a great time.
  • Thanks for Neighbor Jeremy for the PBR hook-up this weekend. Who knew that Bull Riding was so amazing. And who knew that my wife would rather watch bull riding than the Emmys.
  • My dog Jill started her own Twitter Account
  • USC Football lost. Figures.
  • Mom and Pop Wasson are both sick, so we haven't been able to announce Baby Wasson's name to them...or the world. (Maybe that will help them get better.....faster)
  • Abby and I are trying to plan an Ethiopian Adoption Gathering for early October
  • Abby and I are trying to plan a Vegas trip for this fall...anyone want to go?

Other than that, life as usual around the Wasson Household. We are still waiting for courts to open in Ethiopia (rumor date of October 6th) -- We probably won't know anything more about the next step until October 6th --- but it will probably be a while longer before we hear anything. Until then we are just happy that families traveling to Ethiopia have been able to take pictures for us. He looks great. Can't wait to introduce you to him.


TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

I love the new look! Three columns is the way to go. I have to get my brother on that. He promised me a new blog layout:)

txpaige said...

Thanks for the update. October 6 is your favorite cousin's birthday I auspicious day indeed.

Thinking of all THREE of you!


Jamie Jo said...

So tomorrow is the month that your baby becomes a Wasson! So fun! I wonder if we'll be in Ethiopia together!??! I'll be there November 5-11 or so!!!
