Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A great thing about marriage

There are many highlights to be married. And many of them most married people will tell you about before you actually get married. However, here's one of the greatest things about being married that NO ONE ever told me about: You rarely run out of your favorite food. When Abby and I got married I would always freak out when we would run out of Pace hot salsa -- until I realized my lovely wife had a new jar waiting in the pantry. I always thought that was one of the greatest feelings in the world -- to think you're out of something and then "BAM" a new something appears. Well, Abby out-did herself this time. Last night we were making a grocery list and I couldn't think of anything to add. Then in the shower this morning I had a craving for cereal, but we've been out of my favorite for a while so I thought I would tell Ab to add it to the list. So I go to the panty to get a "B-Team" cereal when the greatest thing ever happened. Abby restocked my favorite cereal. Again, there aren't many emotions that compare with wanting something really bad, thinking you won't get it for a day or two, then you open the cabinet and this is staring at you....

I went in to wake Abby to tell her how great she is.....Here's the conversation:
R: Thanks for getting me Reese's Puffs. You are awesome.
A: I know.
And with that my day started. Not too bad. Not too bad.


Tracy said...

that is seriously the sweetest post. you have an awesome wife!

stumbled on your blog via the bottomlys.

Meredith said...

Aren't you guys just the sweetest thing? :) Hopefully Matt doesn't read this - he might start to develop some expectations of his wife or something.

Unknown said...

you all are too much! :)

Anonymous said...

Josh never wants me to tie up our capital in grocery stock (bet you aren't surprised he says that), but this is a way different take on that! I'll be encouraging him to read this post. =) Happy Breakfast.


Laura said...

Ha ha! You do have an awesome wife! My hubby can't say the same thing about me, but its his fault. If I kept him stocked with his fav food (that nasty Frito Lay bean dip in a can - seriously gross), he'd throw up a few times a day, b/c he's like a dog - he eats it until it's gone. No matter how much there is, he'll eat it. (Please someone explain to me how he never weights more than 150 pounds.)

However, I do keep the linen cabinet stocked with toiletries - he'll never run out of deodorant or razors. That counts for something, right?

BTW, you two are nauseatingly cute.

Jamie Jo said...

If you make Rice Krispy treats with Reeces Puffs. . .the best!!!

txpaige said...

You're as bad as my kids Rog...and oddly enough, that's their favorite cereal too. Coincidence? I think not.

Miss you!
