Thursday, August 21, 2008

Egg Retrieval Accomplished

The egg retrieval went great today. IV drugs are amazing -- that's all I've got to say. In fact, I wish they were still streaming into my veins as I'm writing this to hide the intense abdominal cramps I'm experiencing right this minute. It's normal to have abdominal discomfort because they seriously jabbed a needle through my uterus and directly into both ovaries to aspirate the follicles. Ouch! But anyway, we were in and out of the office within an hour and a half, so no complications at all. They retrieved 13 eggs -- one more than I was expecting! The nurse reassured me that's a good number (because I'm paranoid and ask a million questions all the time). After it was all over I thought he only got 8, but I guess I was somewhat coherent during the procedure and heard Dr. A say something about 8 eggs, but he wasn't done retrieving yet, hence the confusion. Drugs do strange things to your mind. We will get a phone call sometime tomorrow (Friday) letting us know how many eggs fertilized. I can't believe Roger and I are potentially creating embryos right this minute. It's really quite amazing. I just hope my body will be nice to them when they're put back in.

Roger did my first IM (intramuscular shot) in my rear this evening. He did such a fantastic job! I'm so proud of him. I felt so bad for him when I handed him the 2-inch needle and saw the look of terror cross his face. It certainly is large and just a might bit intimidating! But we iced my butt cheek up really good and he took his time, and it went off without a hitch. The injection is progesterone in oil and we only have to do it every three days, so it's not too bad. I told him the hardest one was over, by far!

1 comment:

Maw-maw & Pa said...

Thanks for the update. Wanted to call, but sounds like you didn't need to be bothered. Wow.....what a procedure!!! Just praying and waiting for the next phone call and next step. Believe and have faith in God!!! We love you! And we are SO PROUD of you both!!!!
