Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Little Things

Lately I've been dilligently making an effort at finding comfort and joy in the little things in life. You know, those things that are some of God's greatest gifts but we somehow manage to not notice them or fail to give them any appreciation at all due to the busy-ness of our lives. Well, in my most uncomfortable moments of waiting, I've been searching for distractions, trying to truly "see" all the wonderful things that are going on around me even though my greatest heart's desire and overpowering thoughts are with a little somebody who I'm still many months away from meeting. Simply put, to appreciate life for what it is today, for all that I have, for all that I get the privilege of experiencing -- not to focus on the one thing we don't have (yet). And lucky for me, spring is a fabulous time to enjoy the simple things. Here are a few fun distractions we've had within the last week:

  • Our successful garage sale -- $340.00 made that will go toward buying formula for the babies in Ethiopia
  • Meeting neighbors we didn't even know we had two doors down who are our exact same age! And who have a 1-year-old little boy!
  • Planting two new trees in our backyard, feeling proud after a job well done of planting them, and stepping back to envision them growing tall and beautiful with kids playing in the summertime beneath them.
  • Enjoying our pretty pink dogwood tree Roger and I planted last year that has bloomed so beautifully for the first time this spring
  • Spending quality time with family, whether for someone's birthday or watching our nephews' baseball games during the weeknights
  • Making accent pillows for the nursery with my mother-in-law with leftover material from our nursery curtain. They add the perfect finishing touch and will most likely be very functional in addition to being cute to look at!
  • Staying really busy with work! Probably the most efficient way to make time fly by while feeling so thankful in these economic times to even have a job to stay busy at!
  • Getting back to running; an opportunity to burn off built up stress and anxiety, quiet my mind, wholly appreciate this God-given body to even be able to run, all while enjoying the beautiful spring weather in the Ozarks (and maybe lose a pound or 2??)
  • Feeling blessed beyond words to be hosting our first Springfield Ethiopian Adoption Family Get-Together! So far our estimated number of attendance is up to 44! We are thrilled with the wonderful response and cannot wait to see everyone on May 7th!
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come and will not delay.
Habakkuk 2:3


Anonymous said...

You need to post pictures of the new trees and new pillows.

Meredith said...

So excited about the get-together! Thanks for organizing. It just makes me giddy that there are this many of us here in our town!! Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Dogwoods are BEAUTIFUL and excellent bible verse for anyone in waiting. Your time will come . . . Sara

Adopting1Soon said...

An attitude of gratitude is always the fastest way to cheer myself up. I see it works for you too ;-)

wilms said...

To anyone going to Rog & Abby's first Get-Together: make sure you wish them a Happy Anniversary that day!!

Laura said...

I love that you're appreciating all of the positive things in your life. That's so easy to forget...or at least for me sometimes. Your garage sale was quite a success! Congrats!

And P.S. What's with Roger posting "You need to..." instructions? Sounds familiar. Men. :)
