Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 Week Home

We have been home a little over a week now. Wow, how time flies when you're having fun; right?? Ari continues to be so much fun and we've had a couple firsts this week. On Monday we went to our first doctor's appointment. Ari is in the 50th percentile for weight, weighing in at 18 pounds. He is in the 70th percentile for height at 27 inches. His bloodwork is perfect. And his doctor thinks he is developmentally advanced for a six month old. Can't beat that!! We are still waiting on the poop tests, but I assume they're fine since we've had no tummy/diaper issues.
We went on our first walk last Wednesday since it was a wonderful, sunny 60 degrees outside. He loved it and promptly fell asleep after 10 minutes. And I realized what a workout it is pushing a stroller up and down hills!!
We went to church on Sunday -- early church, mind you!! No reason not to go early when you're up at 6 a.m. anyway! The music and the stained glass kept Ari entertained and quiet until he fell asleep right before the sermon. So, yeah, church couldn't have gone any better!
Sleeping is still a little rough, but Ari made great strides by sleeping from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. straight last night. We've started implementing the Ferber sleep method and it's working wonders already. And I'm pretty sure it's a whole lot harder on me than him. I stood in the kitchen and cried harder than he did for that first "Ferber" nap. But man, oh man, the poor boy needs a little guidance/structure with sleeping. Waking up EVERY HOUR was not a good thing for anybody, especially him. Remember when I said he was sleeping through the night those first couple nights in Ethiopia?? I miss those nights.
Thank you to everyone who has brought us meals and stopped by this past week to welcome Ari home. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family!

Our church outfit. So handsome.....

Jill and her new best friend

His favorite spot in the house

Baby Legs!!!
His new Ethiopian friend Jayden

All bundled up for our first stroller ride

Zoe and Ari

Getting blood drawn s.u.c.k.s.

Our newest favorite stunt -- standing


TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

Oh, I LOVE all the pics!!! I really can't imagine walking around your neighborhood pushing a stroller! It almost killed me just walking myself:)

Adrienne said...

He looks fantastic! I'm sure he was a hit at church. Hang in there on the sleep thing. It really will get better!

Love from Texas, Adrienne

Renee said...

He's so gorgeous!
Have you heard of the book 'The No-Cry Sleep Solution', by Elizabeth Pantley? It's got lots of great tips.

Anonymous said...

It is so hard to listen to them cry themselves to sleep, but you will be glad that you did it right away b/c it does work!!
I love all the pictures that you have up. He looks so happy and is such a cutie.

Kelly Muth

The Michel family said...

What a cutie! So glad everything is going well. Can't wait to meet him!


farmgirlamber said...

GREAT PICS!! I especially love the one of Ari sitting on the rug inside, looking out at Jill, who's pawing on the door to come in :) Too cute!!! Looks like he's one happy little guy :) Best wishes!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Abby! Kaylan had commented once on her blog about your adventure, so I wanted to check it out. Ari is absolutely adorable! I did the Ferber method too and I would agree that is really is harder on you than the baby. The payoff is awesome though! I have the best bedtime kids ever, so hang in there and you will too!
